Blog Post


Kevin Kohan • Feb 28, 2018

How’s your workout routine holding up thus far in 2018? Here are five smart strategies, plus 3 more, to consider to help boost your fitness levels and promote a successful workout , time and time again!

ADVOCARE RENEW is a blog that has some of the top medical professionals in the WORLD that post case studies, experiences, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Tips. A recent blog post that Lynnetta Bonsu, MPH, CPH, CHES wrote on February 11, 2018 , was 5 Smart Strategies For a Successful Workout. I continued with 3 more importatnt strategies that I feel can make a huge difference in your workout experiences, and they are all being offered in our Revolutionary Great8 Challenge coming up on March 5th.

1) Create a workout plan.

Engaging in any type of physical activity is beneficial for your health, but starting every workout with an established plan can help lead you to success and reach your fitness goals. Having a specific purpose each time helps you correspond your workouts to your exact goals, which not only saves time, but also holds you accountable.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends adults engage in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity and at least two days of muscle-strengthening activities, which comprise of all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms). First, consult with your physician before starting any new workout plan/exercise routine. Next, study your weekly schedule and identify days/times where your schedule allows time to fit in workouts based on these weekly physical activity recommendations.

Select a few aerobic activities which allow you to reach the CDC’s recommended target heart rate of 50 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. You can calculate your maximum heart rate by simply subtracting your age from 220 (CDC, 2017).

Examples of typical aerobic activities include swimming, cycling, jogging, kickboxing and hiking. Distribute your activities of choice throughout the week until you reach a minimum of 150 minutes. The duration of each activity largely depends on your schedule and targeted goals.

A common practice for implementing muscle-strengthening activities is to follow a training split. Conventional training splits like full body, push-pull, upper-lower body splits, etc. Alternating resistance and aerobic workouts may be best to allow complete recovery for major muscle groups. For example, assign Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for aerobic exercises; and Tuesdays and Thursdays for resistance training.

*Why should this be another something that you have to worry about, the G8C has this covered for you and is 100% customized to your needs and goals!

2) Warm-up and recover.

Rather than jumping straight into a workout, reserve five to 10 minutes for a quick warm-up before exercising. Warm-ups encourage the circulation of oxygenated blood and gradually increases body temperature to “warm up” the muscles. On the flip side, cooling down immediately after a workout promotes a gradual decrease in heart rate and body temperature to normal levels (Mayo Clinic, 2018).

Recovery is often viewed as a method to lessen the soreness from an intense, successful workout. However, proper recovery also entails the return to homeostasis at the cellular level, the stabilization of blood pressure, in addition to the replenishment of energy stores that are depleted during intense physical activity (Jeffreys, 2005).

The recovery process begins during exercise itself where adenosine triphosphate (or ATP for short) is resynthesized, intramuscular pH is restored and blood flow is increased for rapid oxygen delivery (Weiss, 1991). Post-exercise recovery consists of normalizing body temperature, blood circulation, ventilation levels and an increase in excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) (Borsheim & Bahr, 2003).

Incorporating recovery practices in your weekly workout routine can enhance your overall performance and remedy the effects of physical stress from exercise. Active recovery consists of low-impact exercises like walking or yoga to stimulate blood flow, especially after a strenuous workout . Passive recovery involves no exercise and are also essential for complete recovery, especially after an injury. The duration of your recovery will be determined by the amount of stress exerted on the body during the last workout. Typically, each large muscle group requires two to three days of rest (Rhea, 2003).

* Great8 Challenge develops specific movement prep warm ups for each individual participating in the challenge. This plays a HUGE role with whether your workout will be a 'kick ass session' or a 'blah-session'.

3) Strengthen your core.

When you think of your “core,” the first thoughts that possibly come to mind are terms like “abs,” “crunches” and “planks.” Our core is in fact a collection of five muscle groups, all of which provide movement, support and stabilization to our spine:

  • Rectus abdominis
  • Erector spinae
  • Internal/external obliques
  • Transverse abdominis
  • Multifidi

The purpose of strengthening the core is not to attain chiseled abdominals, but rather to achieve and maintain core stability in order to enhance our performance during a workout. Most activities we perform depend on core engagement – from squats, deadlifts and jogging to carrying out household chores like vacuuming or doing laundry. It is essential to integrate various core strengthening exercises to target all areas of the core.

*Every Great 8 workout will integrate 3 core-specific movements in EVERY workout guaranteed!

4) Stay hydrated.

Proper hydration is a key factor to ensuring your body performs at an optimal level, which is essential to achieving a successful workout. Water, the most vital source of life, helps regulate body temperature and maintain homeostasis during physical activity. During exercise, your body temperature rises and stimulates sweat glands to excrete sweat to help cool your body down and keep you from overheating.

In addition to physical activity, factors such as climate, body size and genetics play a role in how much an individual sweats. Sweat is comprised of water and electrolytes like sodium and potassium, which help, maintain proper water balance and blood pH.

Adequate hydration before, during and after exercise can help replenish essential nutrients and potentially reduce the risk of dehydration, and poor performance during your workout. Although there is (currently) no consensus on an official recommendation, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggests men consume 15.5 cups (124 ounces) of fluids per day and women consume 11.5 cups (92 ounces) of fluids per day (including water consumed via fruits and vegetables). Consider incorporating an electrolyte replacement drink to replenish minerals and electrolytes lost through sweat.

*Guys this is a no-brainer...You will have your very own Meal plan and Nutrition Guide and Nutrition Cheat Sheet customized to your goals with the Great 8 Challenge.

5) Find an accountability partner.

If you have had difficulty sticking to a workout plan and/or attaining your fitness goals in the past, having an accountability partner may help inspire you to persevere through your workouts. While some people may prefer to work out alone, others may benefit by involving a friend and/or family member in their fitness journey. Adopting this tactic can offer additional support and motivation towards staying on the right path towards accomplishing your goals.

When selecting an accountability partner , look for someone who is optimistic, dedicated and dependable , and with similar fitness goals. Be open and honest about any fears, failures or frustrations during your journey so they can properly lend support when needed. Likewise, share your documented progress with others to celebrate each milestone.

Which smart strategy will you commit to implementing into your fitness routine this year? Which strategies have you already put into practice for promoting a successful workout?

*The Great8 Challenge is your ACCOUNTABILITY partner!


6. Metabolic Strength Training.

Anyone who is up for the GREAT8 Challenge will be provided with a Prescribed workout Schedule based off your specific needs and goals. There will be specific strength work we will ask you to complete and specific High Intensity Training classes we will require for you to take as part of the Great 8 requirements to win your trip to VEGAS!

7. Your Nutrition Plan

While most transformation challenges just provide workouts we want to get you serious results. To get serious results you need to eat proper nutrition to fuel your body, not starve it.

During the G8C program, we show you exactly what to eat and we make it simple. NO MORE GUESSING.

8. Track Your Results

We hold you to a higher standard than you may hold yourself, because if you're not being held accountable to someone only YOU know if you did, or did not, workout.

We do the most extensive and consistent progress tracking with our clients. That way, we always know whats working and whats not. You can expect us to take before and after pics (don't be scared) and for us to take measurements regularly.

*Its way easier to make excuses to ourselves, in our own heads, than to our coach. Our entire focus is on getting you results and getting you on that trip to VEGAS baby!!!



  1. Borsheim, E & and Bahr, R. (2003). Effect of exercise intensity, duration and mode on post-exercise oxygen consumption. Sports Medicine , 33(14), 1037-1060.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017). Physical Activity Basics.
  3. Jeffreys, I. (2005). A multidimensional approach to enhancing recovery. Strength and Conditioning Journal , 27(5), 78-85.
  4. Mayo Clinic (2018). Aerobic Exercise: How to warm up and cool down.
  5. Rhea, M.R., Alvar, B.A., Burkett, L.N., & Ball, S.D. (2003). A meta-analysis to determine the dose response for strength development. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , 35(3), 456-464.
  6. Weiss, L.W. (2008). The obtuse nature of muscular strength: The contribution of rest to its development and expression. Journal of Applied Sports Science Research , 5, 219-227.

By Kevin Kohan 15 Mar, 2023
The AdvoCare 10-Day Reset™ provides the tools you need to jumpstart healthy habits, which is a huge focus for many during the new year. If you’re curious about the Reset, but want to learn more before taking the leap, we’ve rounded up a few of the top things we love about this system. Keep on reading to learn more!
By Kevin Kohan 09 Nov, 2022
A strong immune system is important, especially in today’s climate. During seasons when we are more prone to illness, we often look for ways to help support immunity. Many studies show that a balanced diet combined with adequate sleep and exercise, effectively primes our body to fight infection and disease. Throughout the years, many foods have also helped contribute to living a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating some of these foods into the diet can help support our body’s immunity. So next time you’re headed to the grocery store, make a list, and power up your plate to include these nutritious foods. POWER UP YOUR PLATE
By Kevin Kohan 22 Sep, 2022
Many of us want to be able to run, jog, or walk a 5K… but the goal can often seem overwhelming and intimidating. But, what if it didn’t have to be? What if you could complete a 5K in as little as 2 Months? Well, now it IS possible! I put together a FREE 8-week Walk-Jog-Run 5K Training Plan just for you. It’s a step-by-step plan that can help almost anyone complete a 5K run in just 8 short weeks! Plus there are so many other reasons to ramp up your run/jog/walk game: Benefiting heart health Lowering your risk of disease Boosting energy Elevating your mood Improving better sleep Reducing stress Getting up off the couch and into your life! Excited to learn more? Grab your copy for FREE here >>
By Kevin Kohan 25 Aug, 2022
This month I’ve been talking a lot about next-level actions to get even better results from your fitness and health habits. You’ve probably noticed a theme: it’s all about the fundamentals. That’s because even the best ‘next-level’ actions won’t do much if you aren’t nailing your basics most of the time. But what if you ARE covering your basics and want to ramp things up even more? This is when you can turn into an exercise mad scientist to find your own “secret formula” for supercharged results. Your top tip for becoming a successful biohacker?
By Kevin Kohan 10 Aug, 2022
🔥 The only hack you need for your goals I’ve got some great info for you today that I wanted to share ASAP because it can make a huge difference in your results. Every few days, someone will ask me what I think about some trendy fitness or wellness topic … things like fasting, supplements, a new fitness gadget … Basically, something (anything!) that’s designed to speed up your results. So, over the next few weeks, I’m going to focus on how to REALLY supercharge your results and break down specific actions you can take to elevate your results to the next level, fast. Because YES: it IS possible to make small changes that yield BIG results. In this email, I’ve got the #1 TIP to rocket you toward your goals. This is the absolute most important thing you should do before you get fancy with any trendy “hacks.” It’s to NAIL YOUR BASICS.
By Kevin Kohan 04 Aug, 2022
You asked for it, you’ve got it! We’ve got a list of 5 ways you can boost the results from your workouts … STARTING TODAY. By “results,” I mean noticeable changes in your stamina, strength, energy, and overall fitness. In addition to this, this will also have a super HUGE impact on your overall health & wellness because it plays into your immune system, your sleep, heart health and so much more. Before I get into the tips, I want you to remember one thing that will help drive all of those results: YOU ARE AN ATHLETE in training, no matter how young or old you are, or your current fitness or activity level. You’re an athlete who ‘Trains For Life’! You are training for your BEST LIFE. Having a fit, strong, and healthy body that can help you make the MOST of every single day is something worth fighting for!
14 Jul, 2022
🚨 [SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS] BMI rate in kids is skyrocketing right now and here's why. According to a new CDC report, kids’ BMI has been increasing at nearly DOUBLE the rate than it did before the pandemic began. BMI (body mass index) is a measure of weight to height that’s an “easy screening method for weight category: underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obesity.” Alarmingly, the increase was especially high in preschool and school-aged children. This is DEFINITELY something we all need to be paying attention to. There were 432,302 kids aged 2 to 19 years old in the study. They found the rate of BMI increase jumped from 0.052 (pre-pandemic) to 0.100 kg/m 2 /month during the pandemic. In more understandable terms, in August 2019, the obesity rate in the group was 19.3% (already high) … and it reached 22.4% in August 2020 and close to 25% in August 2021. We already knew that kids were gaining weight during the pandemic because of all of the changes in their daily habits …But this study shows how significant this negative impact was in just A FEW SHORT YEARS. Here’s another key finding: The CDC found that children who were already obese gained about 1 to 1.2 pounds a month, putting them on track to gain 6.1 to 7.3 pounds in 6 months. This group is gaining weight at a faster rate compared to the 2.7 pounds in those with a healthy weight. Straight from the study: “Accelerated weight gain, especially among children, can cause long-lasting metabolic changes that put children at risk for serious and costly co-occurring conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and depression.” The US already has a high level of obesity among kids, affecting more than one in six children. This is serious stuff, folks! We need to be paying attention and making sure our kids are staying ACTIVE and putting HEALTHY FOOD into their bodies. The good news is that this is ALL stuff we have control over. More good news is that if you’ve noticed this happening in your family, we’ve got a solution to help! 🤸‍♀️🏃‍♀️Let your kids explore new and exciting activities and challenges with our HIT FIT KIDS CAMP. Whether your child is a veteran with us or coming for the very first time, we know they will be enriched with new fitness experiences that will inspire them to live an active healthy lifestyle. We launched our first HIT FIT KIDS CAMP in 2021 to help offset the findings in the study above and the outcome was beyond what we expected! Our one week all-inclusive camp will: Enhance your child's cognitive skills and promote working in teams. Your child will learn different skills from different sports They will also learn about nutrition through interactive activities & They will experience how delicious healthy lunches can actually taste from our friends over at EAT PRIME MEALS who will providing the healthy lunches for your kids. REGISTER Today & DONT let them miss this camp!!! 🔸Camp starts Monday, July 18th-22nd 🔸All Inclusive Day Camp 9AM-1PM 🔸Lunch will be provided by Eat Prime Meals **Please share this with a friend or family member - we want to get this message out there to people who FEEL THEIR KIDS need this.
By Kevin Kohan 07 Jul, 2022
🔥If you are serious about your goals… one of the BEST things you can do is focus on THE BASICS. Like Bodyweight Strength Training! They give you the biggest bang for your buck over the long run! Here’s what I’m talking about … One of my top personal basics – something I try to do every day – NON-NEGOTIABLE for my fitness is at least 15 minutes bodyweight strength training, 15 minutes flexibility/mobility, and 15 minutes hitting on my weak points to balance out any muscular deviations. Its all about making a plan, and working my plan.”
By Kevin Kohan 22 Jun, 2022
Get healthy from the inside out. Not a patch or potion but real wellness and longevity supported by consistently healthy lifestyle choices. Something we call the 5-Pillars of Health. Plus, our New HIT FIT SUMMER SURVIVAL GUIDE just for your absolute FREE!
By Carolina Kohan 21 Jun, 2022
Stop Sabotaging YOUR GOALS!
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