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World’s Easiest Way to Measure Overall Fitness & Stress Levels

Kevin Kohan, PES, Sport Nutrition Specialist, Certified Gym Jones Instructor • Aug 25, 2021

Ready to press the “Accelerator” button on your results!?  We have developed a revolutionary program specifically designed to help you achieve the strong, lean & mean summer body and maintain it year-around.   

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 What's Your BOLT Score?


The Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT)

The Oxygen Advantage® developed by Patrick McKeown


➡️ Measure BOLT Score Now!

As far back as 1975, researchers noted that the length of time of a comfortable breath hold served as a simple test to determine relative breathing volume during rest and breathlessness during physical exercise. 1,2

The Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT) is a very useful and accurate tool for determining this relative breathing volume.

The ideal BOLT score for a healthy individual is 40 seconds. In the book entitled Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance by William McArdle and colleagues, the authors observe: “If a person breath holds after a normal exhalation, it takes approximately 40 seconds before the urge to breathe increases enough to initiate inspiration.”3


In short, the lower the BOLT score, the greater the breathing volume, and the greater your breathing volume, the more breathlessness you will experience during exercise and longer it will take you to recover Between sets and between workouts. If it takes you longer to recover in between workouts then this will also mean it will take you longer to achieve and conquer your goals.

I found that this not only can be a good judge of my overall fitness levels and recovery, but it also measures my overall stress levels as well….physical, psychological, or whatever they may be. This is super important for me as a business owner and can have an effect on my overall focus. However, lucky for us this is an easy thing to practice, as well as easy to improve if you are consistent with your practice. So let’s see where you are at…!

Measure your BOLT Score now
To obtain an accurate measurement, it’s best to rest for ten minutes before measuring your BOLT score. Read the instructions carefully first and have a timer on hand. You can measure your BOLT now:

1.     Take a normal breath in through your nose and allow a normal breath out through your nose.

2.     Hold your nose with your fingers to prevent air from entering your lungs.

3.     Time the number of seconds until you feel the first definite desire to breathe, or the first stresses of your body urging you to breathe. These sensations may include the need to swallow or a constriction of the airways. You may also feel the first involuntary contractions of your breathing muscles in your abdomen or throat as the body gives the message to resume breathing.  **(Note that BOLT is not a measurement of how long you can hold your breath but simply the time it takes for your body to react to a lack of air.)

4.     Release your nose, stop the timer, and breathe in through your nose. Your inhalation at the end of the breath hold should be calm.

5.     Resume normal breathing.


How the Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT) Works

When you hold your breath, you prevent oxygen from entering your lungs and prevent excess carbon dioxide from being expelled into the atmosphere. As the breath hold continues, carbon dioxide accumulates in the lungs and blood while oxygen levels slightly decrease. Since carbon dioxide is the primary stimulus for breathing, the length of your breath hold time is influenced by how much carbon dioxide you are able to tolerate, or your ventilatory response to carbon dioxide.1


A strong ventilatory response to carbon dioxide means that your threshold will be reached sooner, resulting in a lower breath hold time. Conversely, a good tolerance and reduced ventilatory response to carbon dioxide results in a higher breath hold time.

When your BOLT score is lower, your breathing receptors are especially sensitive to carbon dioxide and your breathing volume will be greater as the lungs work to remove any carbon dioxide in excess of programmed levels. However, when you have a normal tolerance to carbon dioxide and a higher BOLT score, you will be able to maintain calm breathing during rest and lighter breathing during physical exercise.

You may find that the first time you measure your BOLT, you are surprised that your score is lower than expected, but remember that even elite athletes can have a low BOLT score! The good news is that your BOLT score can easily be increased with a series of simple breathing exercises incorporated into your existing way of life or exercise regime.

A common starting BOLT score for an individual who exercises regularly at a moderate intensity will be approximately 20 seconds. If your BOLT score is below 20 seconds, depending on genetic predisposition, you will probably find you experience a blocked nose, cough, wheeze, disrupted sleep, snoring, fatigue and excessive breathlessness during physical exercise. Each time that your BOLT score increases by five seconds, you will feel better, with more energy and reduced breathlessness during physical exercise.

The aim of the Oxygen Advantage®program is to increase your BOLT score to 40 seconds, and this can be realistically achieved.


Improving your BOLT score is an important key to attaining greater physical endurance. As we have already seen, having an improved tolerance to carbon dioxide means you are able to achieve a higher VO2 max and improved performance. The Oxygen Advantage®program is all about increasing your BOLT score and maximising your potential!


How Your BOLT Score Relates to Breathlessness During Sports

The truth is that the vast majority of individuals, including elite athletes, have a comfortable breath hold time of about 20 seconds, often less. However, to achieve your full potential, a BOLT score of 40 seconds should be the goal.

Breath hold measurements have also been used to study the onset and endurance of breathlessness (dyspnea) and asthma symptoms 4,5 The result that comes up again and again is that the lower the breath hold time, the greater the likelihood of breathlessness, coughing, and wheezing during both rest and exercise.


****If you’re ready to start ‘training for life’ and want a personalized game-plan on how YOU can reach your goals faster, our New ‘24 Day Summer Shred Jumpstart’ is specifically designed for results! If you’re serious about making change then go to the link below and submit your application and wait for one of our Fit Pro’s to get in contact with you in 24 hours.


1. Stanley et al. concluded that, ‘the breath hold time/partial pressure of carbon dioxide relationship provides a useful index of respiratory chemosensitivity’.See: Stanley,N.N.,Cunningham,E.L.,Altose,M.D.,Kelsen,S.G.,Levinson,R.S., and Cherniack, N.S.

Evaluation of breath holding in hypercapnia as a simple clinical test of respiratory chemosensitivity. Thorax.1975;30():337-343

2. Japanese researcher Nishino acknowledged breath holding as one of the most powerful methods to induce the sensation of breathlessness, and that the breath hold test ‘gives us much information on the onset and endurance of dyspnea (breathlessness)’. The paper noted two different breath hold tests as providing useful feedback on breathlessness. According to Nishino; because holding of the breath until the first definite desire to breathe is not influenced by training effect or behavioural characteristics, it can be deduced to be a more objective measurement of breathlessness.See: Nishino T. Pathophysiology of dyspnea evaluated by breath-holding test: studies of furosemide treatment. Respiratory Physiology Neurobiology.2009 May 30;(167(1)):20-5

3. McArdle W, Katch F, Katch V. Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance. 1st ed. North American Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Seventh, (p289) (November 13, 2009)

4. The Department of Physiotherapy at the University of Szeged, Hungary conducted a study that investigated the relationship between breath hold time and physical performance in patients with cystic fibrosis. Eighteen patients with varying stages of cystic fibrosis were studied to determine the value of the breath hold time as an index of exercise tolerance. The breath hold times of all patients were measured. Oxygen uptake (VO2) and carbon dioxide elimination was measured breath by breath as the patients exercised. The researchers found a significant correlation between breath hold time and VO2(oxygen uptake), concluding ‘that the voluntary breath-hold time might be a useful index for prediction of the exercise tolerance of CF patients’. Taking this one step further, increasing the BOLT of patients with CF corresponds to greater oxygen uptake and reduced breathlessness during physical exercise.See: Barnai M, Laki I, Gyurkovits K, Angyan L, Horvath G. Relationship between breath-hold time and physical performance in patients with cystic fibrosis. European Journal Applied Physiology.2005 Oct;(95(2-3)):172-8

5. Results from a study of 13 patients with acute asthma concluded that the magnitude of breathlessness, breathing frequency and breath hold time was correlated with severity of airflow obstruction and, secondly, that breath hold time varies inversely with the magnitude of breathlessness when it is present at rest.9 In simple terms, the lower the breath hold time of asthmatics, the greater the breathing volume and breathlessness. See: Pérez-Padilla R, Cervantes D, Chapela R, Selman M. Rating of breathlessness at rest during acute asthma: correlation with spirometry and usefulness of breath-holding time. Rev Invest Clin.1989 Jul-Sep;(41(3)):209-13

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HIT Fitness Warehouse is a beacon that everyone interested in bettering themselves can look towards. We are interested in using the gym as a physical tool that people can use to create better lives; both emotionally and psychologically. We exist not only to create better athletes, but better humans.

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14 Jul, 2022
🚨 [SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS] BMI rate in kids is skyrocketing right now and here's why. According to a new CDC report, kids’ BMI has been increasing at nearly DOUBLE the rate than it did before the pandemic began. BMI (body mass index) is a measure of weight to height that’s an “easy screening method for weight category: underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obesity.” Alarmingly, the increase was especially high in preschool and school-aged children. This is DEFINITELY something we all need to be paying attention to. There were 432,302 kids aged 2 to 19 years old in the study. They found the rate of BMI increase jumped from 0.052 (pre-pandemic) to 0.100 kg/m 2 /month during the pandemic. In more understandable terms, in August 2019, the obesity rate in the group was 19.3% (already high) … and it reached 22.4% in August 2020 and close to 25% in August 2021. We already knew that kids were gaining weight during the pandemic because of all of the changes in their daily habits …But this study shows how significant this negative impact was in just A FEW SHORT YEARS. Here’s another key finding: The CDC found that children who were already obese gained about 1 to 1.2 pounds a month, putting them on track to gain 6.1 to 7.3 pounds in 6 months. This group is gaining weight at a faster rate compared to the 2.7 pounds in those with a healthy weight. Straight from the study: “Accelerated weight gain, especially among children, can cause long-lasting metabolic changes that put children at risk for serious and costly co-occurring conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and depression.” The US already has a high level of obesity among kids, affecting more than one in six children. This is serious stuff, folks! We need to be paying attention and making sure our kids are staying ACTIVE and putting HEALTHY FOOD into their bodies. The good news is that this is ALL stuff we have control over. More good news is that if you’ve noticed this happening in your family, we’ve got a solution to help! 🤸‍♀️🏃‍♀️Let your kids explore new and exciting activities and challenges with our HIT FIT KIDS CAMP. Whether your child is a veteran with us or coming for the very first time, we know they will be enriched with new fitness experiences that will inspire them to live an active healthy lifestyle. We launched our first HIT FIT KIDS CAMP in 2021 to help offset the findings in the study above and the outcome was beyond what we expected! Our one week all-inclusive camp will: Enhance your child's cognitive skills and promote working in teams. Your child will learn different skills from different sports They will also learn about nutrition through interactive activities & They will experience how delicious healthy lunches can actually taste from our friends over at EAT PRIME MEALS who will providing the healthy lunches for your kids. REGISTER Today & DONT let them miss this camp!!! 🔸Camp starts Monday, July 18th-22nd 🔸All Inclusive Day Camp 9AM-1PM 🔸Lunch will be provided by Eat Prime Meals **Please share this with a friend or family member - we want to get this message out there to people who FEEL THEIR KIDS need this.
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